October 7, 2024

Possible causes of work place stress

  1. Excessive Workload
    – Long hours
    – Unrealistic deadlines
  2. Micromanagement
    – Implies lack of trust
    – Disturbs the team dynamics
    – Creates negative work environment
  3. Job Insecurity
    – Fear of layoffs
    – No job stability
    – Both these , foster anxiety
  4. Role Ambiguity
    – Lack of clarity about roles leads to confusion and frustration in the employees.
  5. Poor work-life balance
    – leads to BURNOUT
  6. Interpersonal Conflicts
    – When disagreements are not dealt with in a healthy way, it leads to strained interpersonal relations and interactions at the workplace.
  7. Lack of support
    – From colleagues and management leads to excessive burdening of workload on the employee.
  8. Toxic work environment
    – Bullying
    – Demeaning by seniors
    – Office politics
    – Harassment
  9. Inadequate Compensation
    – Lack of recognition and acknowledgment
    – Underpaid employees
    – Under valued

Anyone or multitude of the above mentioned factors can lead to stressful work conditions for employees that leads to mental health problems for them . It also indirectly impacts the overall quality of the organisation.

Posted in: Mental Health